Journal Entries
Posted Sep 13, 2001
this is the human word for ppl who you hang around with
i myself have a friend who i stole from a group of other 'friends' i don't really like her and find her very irritating she keeps pestering me and i don't quite understand the way her human mind works (if she has one)
human friends do not offer you anywhere to stay but they may offer you some food every now and again but it will usually be left overs or stuff you don't like anyway
(only joking jenny's not that bad really)
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Latest reply: Sep 13, 2001
human school
Posted Sep 10, 2001
here i am @ the human school pretending 2 b human somehow i think that the humans have worked out that i am different 2 them being a human teenager is not all that easy rite now i am being fored to take exams even though their examz can not measure my alien intellience from the school i have come up with an idea that stopping off at a human school while hitch hiking around the universe is not a good idea although u get hot meals for not much money the food is not that good and u have to wait in long lines the children are horrible and u get kicked out at nights there is no place to relax and u aren't allowed to sleep newhere!
Humans schools - Do not enter!
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Latest reply: Sep 10, 2001
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