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Hi everyone smiley - biggrin I'm Tracy and it's nice to be on here! Been pretty busy the last week or so, My son had croup smiley - sadface Then i caught a bad cough! We're feeling a lot better now but it does strain you out smiley - yawn
I love music smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote And going out smiley - bubbly I like chatting about anything so pleaseeeeeee reply to this! Byeeee

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Latest reply: Oct 17, 2001

The Angel

Hiya peeps, I'm Tracy and i'm addicted to Leisure District lmao.. you'll find me on there in the name cherubin.1..I love music..My favourite album of the year has to be David Grey! He's brill..I enjoy chatting to anyone, Have a good sense of humour..So don't fear..msg me whenever you like :O) Byee xx

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Latest reply: Sep 20, 2001

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