This is the Message Centre for cherubin


Post 1


I came for a nosey...but your postings are a bit stale, nothing
new for me to read here, so Im off, lol
smiley - tea and is almost 4am smiley - yawn
One of our smiley - fish died today...
2 down 1 to go smiley - sadface
Right.....visit again later in the week...unless I hear from u b4 then!
J x


Post 2


I havn't been on here it's bound to be stale...lmao I need to add more journals to my space..smiley - smiley Just to get people chatting again...Must go, I've got writing to do smiley - run Seeya! bbh

Stale?...better already!

Post 3


lol! It made u start a journal...
so wasnt a bad post for me to make smiley - smiley

Stale?...better already!

Post 4


Hello bbh smiley - biggrin You seem to be the only one replying to my But i'm going to think of some better ideas to get peeps chatting..LOL Speak soon byeeeee smiley - run


Post 5


And I wont be here all week to answer u!
You will have to lurk a bit in some aces spaces,
and chat to them! Find some LD peeps.. trelos will speak!
Lv Jan, cu next week!

Still stale?? lol

Post 6


Just came on to have a browse, It's working ok so
I'm enjoying some nice smiley - choc And a smiley - coffee
Nothing much has been happening in here....Yet! lol
Chat to you soon smiley - biggrin Byeeeee

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