This is the Message Centre for Watcher

watcher up to?

Post 1


Hi. Noticed you online, and thought, 'hey, a Dean Koontz fan!' smiley - monster

Or someone who should join the unofficial h2g2 Lurkers Society --

I hope you are having fun here.. smiley - smiley



watcher up to?

Post 2


Hi Taliesin
I am sorry I haven't read Dean Koontz. Watching is just something I like doing .I find poeple interesting.As I grew up in a foreign country with little to do do it became a habit. I'm not a stalker or lurker.I don'thide in shadows. When I see someone doing something that get my attention,I like to learn more to get to know them better.
Thank you for the tip on the Lurkers Society.

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