This is the Message Centre for WELLYTESTER

watcha cock! its deb

Post 1


hiya steve just wanted to add a bit of mad debs to your page...(just to spoil it altogether) hahaha... how u been aint seen u lately of smellypest.. drop us a line.. say helloooo or bugah off.. watever u like i dont see yer debs.

watcha cock! its deb

Post 2


OK....bugah off! smiley - smiley

watcha cock! its deb

Post 3


I'll say hello!! smiley - magic

watcha cock! its deb

Post 4


hi DEBS!!, ok then you can un-bugah off now, come back I was only joking! mwah,xxx,smiley - smiley......
Say hi to my old m8 Jewel,guess she dropped in coz of the title of your posting,,,
c*ck hmmm like a magnet to some birds....lmaosmiley - smiley soz Vicki that was utterly uncalled for,think I deserve a spanking for that...plz lol x

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