This is the Message Centre for WELLYTESTER


Post 1

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

Hey there,
My name is Aaron and I am one of the many ace's here on this community. I figured I would lurk about your page and offer you a hearty welcome. I am here to help in any capacity I can. Feel free to lurk about my page and drop a line if you have any questions. I will assist in any way I can. And should that not prove fruitful feel free to email me at [email protected] and I will again help you as much as possible. Take care and I hope you enjoy this community as much as I have.

Aaron (ACE)

Cobra2-6 out


Post 2


Seeing as you took the time to welcome to h2g2 and he hasn't bothered to reply,and for some reason I got a posting,I decided to take it upon myself to say 'Hi'.
Having perused your 'space' and read your impressive list of qualifications..(that does say lamda and not lambada doesn't it?? Oh good!),I feel even more of a dimwit(or as my strange but true friend Welly calls me,red bubblehead....not very complimentary these blokes from the South of England you know!!). I've apologised,(have I....oh I don't think I did) Um....right...
I apologise profusely for the rudeness of my strange but true friend Mr Wellytester in not replying to your message of welcome.
That's better......
So now I've apologised for his common Southern behaviour (us Northerners are much more politer!!)I will go away and find someone else to pester.
Have a very nice daysmiley - smileyand I may pester you again some day.You'll no doubt get an indignant reply from Mr W having a whinge about me now.
That should be entertaining!smiley - biggrin
smiley - magicVicki xxx


Post 3

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

Well, hello, nice to meet you JOTN. . .I will look forward to reading what you have to offer.


Post 4


*looks around* where the hec am I and how did I get here? Oh well. Welcome Welly tester, sounds a fun job, all that splashing in puddles.


Post 5

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

puddles are kinda cool


Post 6


Only if they're deep and very wide!!!!smiley - biggrin


Post 7


Hi, the age old art of Wellytesting I'll have you know,involves far more
than simply having a good time splashing around in puddles.Although their is
a fun element to this kind of activity
which I prefer to persue in private,
during a full-moon, with very special
like minded, consenting adult friends, ...erm we wont go there eh?...
Wellytesting performs a very worthwhile
public service, & ,for the first time ever, virtually eliminates the need
to carry emergency puncture repair kits in
your briefcases, handbags, & picnic hampers.
Latest technical reports,in fact, praise the sterling efforts made by Wellytesters in recent years,
,& recomend that, due to advances made, wellywearers, across the planet,can
indeed feel secure in the knowledge that a ready supply of well chewed gum, will surfice in all but the most dire of emergencies..
Talking of dire, my friend JEWEL OF THE NILE,lol,has an encyclopaedic knowledge of all things Deep & Wide...(soz Vicki,couldnt XXsmiley - cuddle)


Post 8


...recomend..? yeah I know, you recommend that I consult my dictionary in future!!.smiley - blush


Post 9


THANKYOU AARON, for your kind & warm
welcome, it is very much appreciated,
despite what my 'friend' JOTN may say.
I apologise for this delay in replying,but
as you can see its hard to get a word in with some northern women...(boy am I in trouble for that! lol)..
I see from your page that you are a
very active,interesting, intelligent & knowledgeable person.....
....qualities sadly lacking in most of my friends(oops, did I really say that? lol)
myself ESPECIALLY MYSELF!! included, as you have no doubt gathered from our conversations.
However thanks again for the welcome,& no doubt from time to time,myself or my friends
will take up your kind offers of help when we encounter problems in H2G2..
So for now cheers & I'll see you around...
... Steve.


Post 10


PUDDLES..Mmmm, when does a puddle
become a pond?....come to think of it when does a pond become a lake??
..I use my wellys as a yardstick for distinguishing,between puddles & ponds, if my feet stay dry its a puddle if not its a bl**dy pond!!
Im sure there are better definitions out there though....????


Post 11

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

At your service. . (said in a poorly done british accent). . .

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