This is the Message Centre for fords - number 1 all over heaven

In which fords becomes an exhibitionist

Post 21

fords - number 1 all over heaven

The tighter it is, the harder it is to hike up to your arse - but still easier than unfastening it!

In which fords becomes an exhibitionist

Post 22

Mu Beta

You need to stop putting these images into my mind....


In which fords becomes an exhibitionist

Post 23

I'm not really here

Now I'm worried about carrying on the conversation! smiley - laugh I wear a lot of very long skirts that often have lots of material, so it's easier not to hike them up. Especially as that creases them as well. Even when they're tight they do downwards, I find it more comfortable to adjust my clothing to pull them back up afterwards.

In which fords becomes an exhibitionist

Post 24


The vest has very big armholes.

In which fords becomes an exhibitionist

Post 25

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...


There are a couple of me wearing the kilt 'in character' (so woad, tunic and a big huge chopper *fnarr, fnarr*)...

In which fords becomes an exhibitionist

Post 26

I'm not really here

Maybe I should rephrase the question. Will you show us the photos? smiley - biggrin I'd love to see your chopper.

In which fords becomes an exhibitionist

Post 27


*Riding up and down on 1970's bicycle*
Coo-ee! you can flash me now!
*Vest gets caught in back wheel and clamity ensues.*

In which fords becomes an exhibitionist

Post 28

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...


I'll get them off the guy what took them and I'll find somewhere online to stick 'em up.

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