This is the Message Centre for fords - number 1 all over heaven

Git it right up yese!

Post 21

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Oh, there was football on last night? Well, I guess that explains why most of the wheelie bins up the road have been moved and had their contents dumped over the street, and why the ground when I just went outside to teh shop was 'crunchy' with broken glass, and why there were shouting people outside last night setting off car alarms and damaging private property, suddenly it all comes clear smiley - ermsmiley - weirdsmiley - evilgrinsmiley - footballsmiley - handcuffs

Git it right up yese!

Post 22

Demon Drawer

Dind't realise you lived in Lisbon!

Git it right up yese!

Post 23


Or Croydon! smiley - laugh

Git it right up yese!

Post 24


Well I don't care what you say I'm removing the cuckoo clock and pushing a Toblerone where the cuckoo don't sing. Neutrality my alpenstock!

Git it right up yese!

Post 25

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

No, I didn't realise I lived there either smiley - ermsmiley - headhurts Oh, I don't smiley - biggrin .... and this isn't ment to be 'nasty' towards the people/groups it involves, but where I live currently appears to be a overflow' for Essex boys pretending badly to be from London smiley - ermsmiley - huh Quite annoying really smiley - biggrinsmiley - evilgrinsmiley - runsmiley - handcuffs

Git it right up yese!

Post 26

fords - number 1 all over heaven

We were in Asda today and they had a display of Homer Simpson shaped biscuit tins and an England Three Lions badger shaped tin. Guess which ones were selling really well...?

Git it right up yese!

Post 27

Zak T Duck

Homer Simpson?

Git it right up yese!

Post 28

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Good guess! smiley - biggrin

Git it right up yese!

Post 29

Zak T Duck

Yeah, who'd want something that had a badger on it smiley - tongueout

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