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As I write this I am watching the one programme on TV that makes me feel 'normal'. Jerry Springer. Where does he get these people from, who are prepared to go on and 'air their dirty laundry' in public. Seems to me that unless you're a transexual, sleeping with a family member, or a sheep, you have no place on his programme. They're showing a daughter who married her mothers ex husband. I love the programme, because I can watch it and feel superior.

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Latest reply: Aug 31, 2001


How do you get rid of somebody who won't go away. I've been talking to someone for a few weeks now, and he's become obsessed. He keeps leaving me messages, begging me to meet him, that's the sad part, I haven't met him. I've told him that I'm not interested in meeting him as yet, but he's still begging me to meet up with him. He's on Leisure District, and I've come to the point now where I'm staying offline so I can avoid him, but I shouldn't have to. I've made some good friends on there, and I don't want to stay offline because I'm starting to lose touch with my friends.

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Latest reply: Aug 30, 2001

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