This is the Message Centre for JEWEL-OF-THE-NILE

just droped by to say hello !

Post 1


hi im louise ,i see you have just moved to liverpool, SNAP lol i just moved here from manchester smiley - smiley nice place liverpool dont you think ? well i think so and at least it doesnt seem to rain here as much as it does in manchester lol , smiley - smiley

just droped by to say hello !

Post 2


Hi Louise....,smiley - smiley
How are you? I'm in the Tuebrook/Anfield area of Liverpool,and my boyfriend (if you can call a 42 yr old bloke a boyfriend) lives in Kirkby. I'm 39,and a single mum with 2 boys aged 5 and 4.
The sun is shining today,but god we've had some rain lately. I haven't been to Manchester much except passing through on the bus when I used to come and visit Pete,but they can't call it the Rainy City for nothing lol. What do you do? Vicki xx

just droped by to say hello !

Post 3


hi im a single mum of two children . aged 4 and 1 , i am unemployed at the moment but hoping to go back to college when my son starts nursery smiley - smiley sorry cant say more about myself im just about to leave to pick my daughter up from school but hopefully we will get to chat soon ,louise smiley - smiley

just droped by to say hello !

Post 4


I'd like to go to college but I don't know what to do! My youngest just started school but his classroom won't be ready until a week Monday so he's still finishing at 12oclock. What brought you to Liverpool? I fell in love with a Scouser lol. We don't live together or anything,but I'm happier that way! This is the first relationship I've had where I feel like an equal!
It would be nice if we could get together sometime for a drink maybe,do you have a babysitter?? I've only just managed to find one(what a relief) but I've still only been out twice,I usually can't afford it.Oh well,sun shining this morning so it's off to the park I soon....Vicki xxsmiley - magic

just droped by to say hello !

Post 5

Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent

Hello smiley - smiley

Born and bred Scouser here! Nice to meet you both!

I was a single mum for years, but now I live with the kids dad! Mine are 4 and 4 monthssmiley - biggrin

smiley - elf

just droped by to say hello !

Post 6


hi again, well as to what brought me to liverpool well most of my family are scousers and to be honest i just wanted to get away from my kids dad lol but i am glad i did smiley - smiley best move i ever made i now have a fanastic scouse fella and we have just recently got engaged smiley - smiley which was a bit of a shock seen as we have only been together for 7 months but it just feel's right ,you know what i mean ? if you want to go to college just go for it i havent a clue what i want to do really but it's a good way to get out of the house and meet people
smiley - smiley i can somtimes get a babysitter but it is only once in a blue moon that i can actually afford it lol and christmas seem;s to be sneaking up on me this year lol comes round sooner every year smiley - sadface I bet you cant wait untill your son's class room is finished chloe only go's half days which is nice for her but means my whole day revolves around droping her off and picking her up oh well wont be long till she is full time smiley - smiley we seem to have the same idea today im just waiting for the kids to eat there dinner then we are off to the park make the
most of the sun speak to you soon louise xx

just droped by to say hello !

Post 7


hiya nice to meet you too smiley - smiley
where about's in liverpool do you live i am in lydiate

chat soon louise smiley - smiley

just droped by to say hello !

Post 8


Hi.....nice to meet you Mistdancer....I met my bloke on Leisure district just after Christmas...we don't live together at the moment..early days yet,he's divorced with 2 kids (they live in Lydiate) and he was born and bred in Kirkby. My boys dad lives in Scotland so he's unlikely to find me here. He's a loonie so we're best out of it.My littl'un Dale is desperate to start fulltime at school! Not long now tho and I'll be skipping down the school path cheering!! lolsmiley - biggrin

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