This is the Message Centre for JEWEL-OF-THE-NILE


Post 1


so i see you like smileys then could i borrow one or two you dont need the 5000 you got on your space do hi steve hows it going then see you know some travelers all ready m8 !!


Post 2


Here you go love smiley - biggrin You can't have em all tho cos I think they're dead cool smiley - cooland also a bit sillysmiley - silly.You can borrow one or two because I'm an angelsmiley - angel.Ask Steve I know him well. Have funsmiley - smiley


Post 3


By the way.....are you seeing in duplicate?? Cos if you can see 5000 smiley - smiley's on my page,I think your glasses need replacing! Either that or you are drunksmiley - drunk lolsmiley - biggrin

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