Journal Entries

Book review

You've gotta start somewhere...

I don't have anything I need to get off my chest at the moment, so I thought I'd drag out something else I have online. And then I remembered some book reviews I did for a very very large online bookstore. And since this one has something to do with alien tourists, I think it might be a good starting point.

Roadside Picnic, by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
smiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star out of 5
If you want to read any book by the Strugatsky brothers, I'd recommend this one first. Its a good translation, and far more accessible than most of their others. Plus, its one of the only ones you might be able to find. The premise is that aliens have visited the earth, and left behind some artifacts. Like cavemen viewing the remains of a Roadside Picnic, humanity has no idea for what use these artifacts were actually intended. But the alien remains are so wondrous that a black market has emerged in smuggling artifacts from the alien visitation site. Thats just the background for a powerful book. Its a gripping adventure with dark social implications (soundbite, I know). One further note: The movie Stalker, by Andrei Tarkovsky (sp?), was based on this book. Don't bother watching it unless you're looking for relief from insomnia.

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