This is the Message Centre for Acnarf

Hi there Acnarf...

Post 1


Welcome to the wonderful world of h2g2. I am one of the ACES... a group specifically set up to welcome all newcomers here and help if help is needed. smiley - ok
You will find lots of variety contained within the Guide. Why not start by checking out the welcoming page: or
the ACES homepage here:
and say hello to an ACE of your choice.
If you want to learn how to customise your page, then probably the best place to visit is: The GuideML clinic. Here you can find out how to link to pictures, use different colours and generally make your page attractive. smiley - smiley
Smileys are a must! Check them out here:
You may want to plunge straight in to writing articles for the Guide, if so, you should read the guidelines which can be found at:
Whatever you decide to do... have fun, enjoy the site and do please drop by anytime for a chat! (You can do this by just clicking on my name and magically be teleported to my home page! smiley - winkeye
shazz smiley - magic

Hi there Acnarf...

Post 2


Thnx Shazz, I am really gonna need kheldar's and your help in the beginning smiley - smiley
I'll check the links you've just send me in the hope i'll get somewhere smiley - winkeye

Hi there Acnarf...

Post 3


Hey... that is what we're here for smiley - smiley
In the meantime I've added you to the list of Dutch researchers... so at least you can find some others to chat to smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - magic

Hi there Acnarf...

Post 4


Well, today I am looking around for the first time right now, ok at least I am trying to :d
well, I think I am gonna take a look around and trying not to get lost
grtz Daph

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