Journal Entries
New perspectives - through the forge
Posted Jul 28, 2008
The discovery that my son is on the autistic spectrum has really made me re-examine my own life and also to look at those round me. I'm handling a young adolescent who's going through some challenging times. Last night, I had another outbreak of rage. This time, I was aware that the rumblings portended rage, so I tried to deal differently with him. The presenting issue was money. He wanted what amounts to two months pocket money. With it, he was going to take me to the cinema or to have a meal and he also wanted the latest electronic game. I'm not sure that he could have done both, actually.
I think this outburst was a symptom of something else. He hasn't any friends close by and it's holiday time, so people who might have been available aren't. The friend he most wants to see (an Aspergers boy) and is just about within walking district has been taken out of school (a different one to my son's) because of bullying and I think that he has seen him only once since then - that's once all year. I think he feels he wants stuff to fill the void.
As for me, although it's not pleasant coping, I'm finding I'm growing through the process.
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Latest reply: Jul 28, 2008
President ZSF!
Posted Jul 8, 2008
Today was my first meeting as President of my Toastmasters club, however the day started out with an appointment for the Community Paediatrician. She confirmed that little has autism - or rather is on the autistic spectrum (ASD) and he has been told this today. So for the first time, I've been able to discuss why his problems are occurring. Well, OK, 'Why' might be a bit much, but it does mean that I can discuss the fact that he has a condition which causes him to have problems.
On the positive side, it means that she will write to the school and suggest that provision is made for him, which might include having a laptop to help with the dyslexia - he struggles to write quickly and legibly - and that he may be able to get swimming lessons again. He was getting swimming lessons, but they stopped after he achieved the national standard. He doesn't like football, and stays in during break times because of the bullying and was just eating and not getting exercise. The paediatrician says that swimming will not only provide exercise but will stimulate both sides of the brain and will work symetrically on both sides of his body and give both upper and lower body workouts. If that happens, it's a result!
She is also going to refer him for music therapy. This will mean that he gets the chance to try out musical instruments. I know that he loves listening to music and I think he may have perfect pitch as he seems to be able to tell if music is played in different pitches days apart.
I may also now be able to access help with his behaviour as the CP will refer him to the Family Support Centre (I think that was the name) and I will also be able to find support from the local autistic society. I've found not knowing what to do for best at times very difficult and there have been times when I've just wanted to walk away and never come back.
I took him to school and then went to work, and then came home, as I was feeling a bit wobbly. I got a call from the school counsellor, who sounds lovely, and she is going to work with him from September.
As far as the Presidency goes, it didn't have the most auspicious start. I prepared my address and was just about to get in my car, when I noticed that another car had blocked me in my drive and I didn't recognise it as belonging to one of my neighbours. I phoned a couple of the other officers to let them know I was going to have a problem and would be late at the very worst. In the end, I found it did belong to a near neighbour and she moved it quite quickly and amazingly, the traffic was reasonably light and I got there just on time!
I think my address went down well and I got a cheer, which was very nice. I've got a chain of office - very smart!
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Latest reply: Jul 8, 2008
Bike to work day
Posted Jun 19, 2008
Today was bike to work day. I got my folding bike out from its rather dusty cover and pumped up the tyres. It had been raining in the morning and I saw grateful that the rain had stopped. Then I had a go at putting it up - for some reason, one of the folds wouldn't work. Eventually I did. The off I sauntered down the hill, around the corner then down again. I walked the bike across the junction as I didn't feel confident enough to cross on the bike. I thought that all the way to work was down, but it wasn't, so I got off and walked up the long hills, deciding to go up and off the main road, so I could use a side road, which wasn't so busy and not quite so hilly. From there it wasn't too bad until I got to the main road near to work. Then I got off again and walked up almost to our building, then got on again for the last little bit.
Oh dear, I'm not a very good example. I was dreading going back home as it is reall mostly uphill. As it happened, going back was down for a bit, then uphill really steeply, so I walked for quite a bit, then across (and the wrong way up a couple of one-way streets - but there wasn't anything coming the other way, so I wasn't worried. Down a big hill and turn right on my bike and up a bit, although I was feeling a bit stronger now. Off again and walking up another steep bit, then on again and up to the junction. Off the bike again and walking across the road, then on and along till my road, when I turned uphill for a short while, until getting off seemed a good idea, then a steep walk up to my place.
Isn't it funny - coming home was easier than going and I felt more comfortable, although I hadn't thought I would be.
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Latest reply: Jun 19, 2008
Speech, speech!
Posted Jun 10, 2008
Today I gave my professional speech to a conference of about 140 people. I'd written it, practiced it, got feedback, re-written it, did the powerpoint slides, sent them off to the conference organiser, then rewritten it and practiced it again.
This morning I was awake at about 4.30am with the speech running through my head. I eventually set off at 7.00am and arrived at the conference venue at 8.00am.
I'd not done a speech with powerpoint before, so I went through how to move the slides on and was still a bit worried about them fitting with my speech now that I'd amended it yet again.
Come the time for me to speech, it went down well. I could have been smoother with the powerpoint (at one point I had covered what was on the next slide, but by and large I was pleased with it.
I had another Toastmaster club meeting tonight and did an evaluation for a lovely woman with a speech impediment. She did really well.
I've been asked as well as to be President, to be involved in the setting up of another club nearby. I'll need to think about this carefully, because of the time commitment, but it is really flattering to be asked.
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Latest reply: Jun 10, 2008
First time in about two years!
Posted May 27, 2008
I've just given my first Toastmaster speech in about two years. I had almost completed the storytelling manual, but had got stuck on the 'moving story' one. The only one I could think of was too personal - and maybe only moving to me.
However - I'm committed to doing a speech in real life to a conference of 150 people, so I decided to plunge in and test drive my speech in front of friendly Toastmasters first. For various reasons, I haven't had uninterrupted time to write the speech, although I'd done a fair bit of research beforehand. Consequently, I spent yesterday (a bank holiday) from 9.30am until 11.00pm writing the speech. I went to bed absolutely exhausted with the speech written but not tried out.
This morning, I woke up and was very tired indeed. I went into work, having a meeting to chair and came home shortly after that and went to bed for a couple of hours. Then I got out the stopwatch and started to rehearse the speech. I felt that I would definitely need notes to deliver it, but in the event, I did it without and it went fine. There was a fair amount of feedback, and I now know which bits work and which need more work.
It now looks as though I might be President for the the next year too.
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Latest reply: May 27, 2008
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