This is the Message Centre for Zarquon's Singing Fish!


Post 1

Researcher 235196

If youare a tech guru then can you help?
How com i have a number for a name?
i login as Amouseinspace
cant get my head round this stuff
found this page from toxxic (sumthin like that)when surffin
bit tech ere init?
gessing that DNA is the book blowk?
whats this chidline stuff i found perssing links?
is it all over then?
fogot to send!


Post 2

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi, Researcher 239156,

To get a smiley - cool name, rather than a number, first choose your name (Amouseinspace would be a great name!), then go to the 'Preferences' buttin. If you are in the 'Brunel' skin, it will be on the left-hand side, if you're in 'Alabaster', it wil be in the toolbar at the top of the page. Once you've clicked the button, follow the instructions.

DNA - Douglas Neil Adams - yes, the bloke that wrote the radio plays, book, etc. smiley - biggrin

You can also put stuff on your page, by clicking on 'Edit Page'. I see you've already received some advice about that, however if you need help, just say.

What's this about childline? Ah, started with some discussion about an entry on Theology, written from a purely Christian viewpoint, although my dictionary definition said that it was 'study or system of religion (esp Christian); rational analysis of religious faith'. The author mentioned Childline.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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