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Post 1


Wow you are a busy person.

About the bonny, A friend of mine back in the sixties got banned from driving for six months and he asked me to use his Bonneville regularly to keep it going and stop it from seizing up. At the time I owned a BSA Gold Star 500cc which was quite a beast to ride so when I first tried his bonneville I was gob smacked at the power and speed etc.

One two problems with it was one that one occason I had to have a tooth out and riding back from the dentist the chain snapped on meand I had to push this heavy machine from Lewisham in southeast london to Plumstead (SE London) must have been approx 5 miles or so!

The second problem was when he got his licence back and I had to hand over the machine to him.



Post 2

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I only had my bonny for a short period, unfortunately. Sounds as though you had a great time with your friend's.

Oh, I know the route from Lewisham to Plumstead well. Sounds to have been quite a trek. Hilly in parts, too.

I do sympathise. In the late seventies I had a Triumph Tiger Cub, on which the back brake seized, making it totally unrideable, and I couldn't free it, so it was a begger to push. I was doing an Italian class in Birmingham and was trying to push it all the way home - again, like you, a distance of over 5 miles. Someone from the class agreed to help me push it, and we went up a steep hill from lamp post to lamp post, sweating like pigs, until she had to peel off to go home. I reached the top of the hill and a kind chap in a car stopped and kicked the brake off, so that I could ride it home, and he kindly rode behind me almost all the way home. I had to be really careful not to use that brake, for fear of it seizing again. Bike people are wonderful, don't you think?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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