This is the Message Centre for Zarquon's Singing Fish!
ZSF: Your RAT Reminder
Waiting Room Started conversation Aug 26, 2002
Sending you a quick reminder that The Alton Towers Meet is less than 3 weeks away
Everything is as we originally thought, we are arriving on Friday the 13th of September & staying at the Star Campsite over the weekend of the 13th to the 15th. All details are here; A676866.
If you are coming we recommend that you have at least one other researchers Mobile number, so you can reach us if you strike a problem. We are also going to try to arrange an equipment list, organising it so someone beings a barbecue while someone else brings an extra ground sheet to sit on etc., hopefully this will minimise the amount of baggage you will have to carry.
If you have any ideas, need any other information or would like to leave your mobile phone number with us please contact us on the meet page or at [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you there!
DNA Meets Team
ZSF: Your RAT Reminder
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Aug 31, 2002
I can't some. I did post to another conversation to say so. I'm organising a training course of 13 September and I won't have time .
I hope it goes well, though.
Thanks for posting separately to me. That's ,cool>
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ZSF: Your RAT Reminder
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