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Z Started conversation Jun 28, 2002
I'm a little concerned if I cause offence in the Peer Review converstion on TM, sorry if I came across as high handed.
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jun 28, 2002
Did you? I wasn't in the least offended. It's a long time since I did TM in the form I was taught. I stopped doing TM following very heavy pressure from my then partner. The TM movement may be very different today to what it was when I did it.
I later found that mantra meditation was very similar to TM (although I was told by my TM teacher that each student has a particular mantra chosen specifically for him/herself). I was told never to divulge my mantra to anyone - and I never have). I did wonder whether everyone was given the same one, but if each person had the same warning, no-one would ever know this. I now thinkd that is less likely. I've worked with Sufi zikrs and wazifas and know that they are given to the student (mureed) to work with according to need.
Z Posted Jun 28, 2002
Oh good, I was a bit worried. Mainly because this is the first time in Peer Review when I haven't acted on a suggestion that was made by another researcher. I'm not usually the sort of person to say "I know better than you" on anything.
To be honest I know people who have divulged their mantra's, it was one of the things you did at school to rebel, and yes they were different, there's a former TM teacher who's published all the mantra's and the way that they're choosen on the internet...
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