This is the Message Centre for Zarquon's Singing Fish!
Abi Started conversation May 3, 2002
I recently dropped you an email to let you know that we are currently asking the ACEs to check in on my page at if they are still interested in being an ACE or to let me know if they are finding they don't have enough time and so wish to resign.
But you don't seemed to have replied!
What would you like to do?
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted May 3, 2002
Hi Abi,
I haven't received an e-mail from you!
I have to confess I'm not doing much ACEing at the moment, but loads and loads of scouting. Would you like me to hand in my badge?
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted May 7, 2002
Hi Abi,
If you don't mind, I'd like to stay an ACE for the moment. I'll try to do more (I do respond to your e-mail calls, but I don't usually post to say so). If I find I am not doing much more general greeting and showing people around, then I'll give it best.
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted May 8, 2002
I'm not usually around in the daytime - son's off school with a bad cough, and I'm taking him to the homeopath. However, he seems to be on the mend
Is it me, or is the server v-e-r-y- slow at the moment?
Abi Posted May 8, 2002
Not sure, working from the inside so to speak, I think makes it different. Why is it particularly slow for you at the mo?
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted May 8, 2002
As I've got an *old* computer, things are normally slow for me and take at least four times as long as someone with a whizzy one.
However, response time is particularly slow at the moment. For instance, I had time to go into the kitchen and check something to do with my soup and come back to the computer in the time it took to action my click on the 'reply' button (and even then it wasn't completely open).
Plus, I've had at least three 'can't find the server' messages and had to go back to the previous page and start again.
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