This is the Message Centre for Green Lantern

Hello Green Lantern ...

Post 1


... and welcome to h2g2 - again. smiley - smiley

I know this is all rather belated smiley - sadface but I'm one of the <./>ACEs</.> (Assistant Community Editors) who volunteered to help show people around the site. I've been checking back into the h2g2 archives for researchers who might otherwise think they had been ignored. smiley - erm I suspect you don't need any help but, since you've only recently activated your personal space, I thought I'd drop by just in case. smiley - biggrin

You said you weren't sure about using your personal space. You can type in plain text mode just the same as in conversations - including those ever-popular and populous <./>Smileys</.>. However, if you switch to editing in GuideML mode, you can do a lot more fancy formatting and have access to a larger collection of graphics in the <./>GuideML-PictureLibrary</.>. smiley - bigeyes

Here are a few more links you might like to try. A660340 is a list of "Clubs and Societies" on h2g2. <./>Askh2g2</.> is a good place to start or join a random conversation. You could try the infinite improbability drive on the "Front Page" if you don't know where you want to go or <./>search</.> if you do. See the guide entries too important to be merely a number at <./>NamedEntries</.>. smiley - weird

Above all, have fun and don't panic. If you do find yourself tempted to panic, click the "h2g2 Help" link on the left. It may help. smiley - online2long

If you have a question, click on the reply link below and I'll be back. Otherwise, feel free to ignore this message. smiley - run

Hello Green Lantern ...

Post 2

Green Lantern


How's it hanging? Thanks for the welcome. smiley - smiley

smiley - lighthouse

Hello Green Lantern ...

Post 3


Hello again. I'm not sure anything's hanging [quick check of self]. No and no lanterns either unless you count lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. smiley - winkeye

Have you logged in again for any reason in particular other than, of course, to say thanks to me? Sometimes h2g2 loses researchers for years who are then mysteriously rediscovered. Those sub-ether devices must be a bit flaky or there are still too many backwaters in the galaxy without enough passing traffic. smiley - biggrin

Hello Green Lantern ...

Post 4

Green Lantern

A bit of ennui, SEF. And, of course to say 'Hi' to you! smiley - biggrin No doubt I'll do a bit more with my space in time.

Wonders if there's a more appropriate smiley for me than a smiley - lighthouse?

smiley - lighthouse

Hello Green Lantern ...

Post 5


I suppose some combination of smiley - aliensmilesmiley - monstersmiley - pumpkinsmiley - eureka wouldn't do. There are some old smileys preserved only as blobs (ie can be used in articles but not in threads). I put a few on A999994 but not all the tiny images are there.

Hello Green Lantern ...

Post 6

Green Lantern

smiley - laugh No, I see your point.

Just had a look at the link and there are some *really* neat blobs there!!!smiley - magic I love the bicycle one. Just think what Just zis Guy would make of it!

smiley - pumpkinsmiley - lighthouse

Hello Green Lantern ...

Post 7

Green Lantern

smiley - pumpkinsmiley - lighthouse ?


Hello Green Lantern ...

Post 8


I think I'm about to change the page for a new theme anyway.

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