This is the Message Centre for Danté - Member of the campaign to call our country Yes Man's Land!

Why are you called Raving Dave?

Post 1

Dreamchild Warpspasm: Thingite minister for Un-necessary macho posturing, Keeper of little blue things that go "Whoop!" on alter

Why are you called Raving Dave?Is it because you like hardcore slammin' house music, are you mad or did it just sort of rhyme? Oris it some combination of the 3?

Why are you called Raving Dave?

Post 2

Danté - Member of the campaign to call our country Yes Man's Land!

LOL! Good question. All 3 I think. Mainly cos it rhymes with dave, but I DO like hardcore slammin' house music. And, yes, I am also mad.

Dave smiley - smileysmiley - tongueoutsmiley - steam

Why are you called Raving Dave?

Post 3

Dreamchild Warpspasm: Thingite minister for Un-necessary macho posturing, Keeper of little blue things that go "Whoop!" on alter

Can't say I share your taste in music Dave, but I applaud the madness.
It could have been worse. If you were called Waving Dave, everyone would think you were a hairdesser and caused tides.

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