This is the Message Centre for urchinvic - the budgies are restless
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Started conversation Sep 5, 2006
I know it well! Isn't the drive over from Garve, past Loch Maree lovely?
Did you make it to the massive beache along the track past Redpoint? Or halfway along that road to Badachro? We used to stay with friends on the island in Badachro harbour.
urchinvic - the budgies are restless Posted Sep 6, 2006
yup, that drive is particularly lovely, though i'm not sure if we made it to the beach or not- visited quite a few! we did see a sign for "Big Sands" that sounded good on the map (if that makes sense), but you had to drive through a ruddy holiday park to get there- non residents had to cough up a few quid!
but the whole hol itself was utterly breathtaking, i recomend it to anyone.
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Sep 7, 2006
Ah. Big Sand is the other way. If you continue milesandmilesandmiles down a single track road, you get to a lighthouse with a nice cafe.
If, on the other hand, you go the other way and past Badachro, Port Henderson and Opinan, you eventually reach the end of the road at Redpoint. There's a big beach just through the dunes there. *But* if you park the car and walk a mile and a half down the farm track, past the thousandsandthousands of rabbits, there's a beach about two miles long where you can pick up scallop shells the size of dinner plates. In the middle there's a little mound which is accessible at low tide and is great for picnics. After that, there's nothing for about twelve miles until you reach the youth hostel towards Loch Torridon.
Next time, maybe?
urchinvic - the budgies are restless Posted Sep 7, 2006
gawd, that sounds fantastic!! i know there was lots of other places we wanted to investigate, but you know, had to do that thing, you know...oh yeah, i remember, go back to work. dang it! but will definitely be making a return journey, (hopefully sooner than later) so i'll keep the info on the lovely sounding beach and make sure we give it a visit. ta for the info, pet!
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