This is the Message Centre for urchinvic - the budgies are restless
Yoo hoo! UHU?
zendevil Started conversation Nov 25, 2005
Uhu as in glue: i mess about with odds & sods & stick them together too; plus i certainly think sideways; bit like the famous Frank Sinatra & Sid Vicious song "I did it sideways"
I am also h2g2's most technically inept ACE but know a hell of a lot of people on here, most of whom are deranged in some way or another, but very friendly; so do come & join us if you wish; you would be made very welcome!
We tend to meet up on my journal space on the EYE thread; just click on my name then lurk around my personal space (PS) & if you wish, add me to your friends list;
Welcome to hootoo!!
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Yoo hoo! UHU?
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