This is the Message Centre for lost in the ether

welcome lost in the ether...

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - wowYou have asmiley - magicUser number!
You are U182400 ~ 18+24+0+0 = 42!
Hi and welcome to h2g2.smiley - hug
My name is Galaxy Babe and I am an Assistant Community Editor (ACE) and also a Guardian Angel for fun!smiley - flyhi
Just one of a group of researchers who like to meet, greet and hopefully befriend newcomers to the guide.smiley - hug
There are plenty of things to do around the Guide, from chatting in forums to writing your own Guide entries.
If you wish to see the Guide entries I have written, please click on my name and you will be taken to my personal space, where the entries are recorded.
You can also visit where you can read prospective entries, and add your comments if you wish.
Constructive critisism is always welcomed!smiley - smiley
As you travel round, you will find more and more interesting things.
Do not worry about getting lost, you can always return "home" by clicking on the "My Space" button on each page.
Every conversation you take part in will be listed on your page, these are your "threads". Every time someone posts after you, the thread will be refreshed on your page.
You can then return and reply if you wish.
When you no longer wish to participate in a particular conversation, you can click the "unsubscribe" link just below it, and the thread will be removed from your page. Then click on "my space" to return home.smiley - tea
No doubt you will be interested in the smileys/emoticonssmiley - schooloffishsmiley - biggrin
Just click on one and you will be transported to the smiley page likesmiley - magicor click here:
I have made a page of interesting links here: - artist
If I can be of any further assistance to you, or you'd just like to chat, just click the reply button and I will returnsmiley - run

Hope to see you around!smiley - bluebutterfly
Happy Hitchhiking smiley - ok

~Galaxy Babe~
(smiley - angelsmiley - starsmiley - chick

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welcome lost in the ether...

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