This is the Message Centre for crazy.liverpool.lass

hi dee its me lol

Post 1


hi luv r u online its me mike fatboyme when can we meet

hi dee its me lol

Post 2

crazy liverpool lass

hiya mike smiley - smiley glad u made it hon smiley - smiley let me know wen ur comin up and i`ll get k8 here aswellsmiley - smiley did`nt think it was possible but she is crazier than me! lmao smiley - smiley

hi dee its me lol

Post 3


aaaaahh to scoucers cant just 1 b there im sared

hi dee its me lol

Post 4

crazy liverpool lass

u soft sod! we might be crazy but were not dangerous!! we certainly dont bite....unless specifically requested darlin!! lmaopmp

hi dee its me lol

Post 5


ok then bite me pleeeeaaaase lmholol

hi dee its me lol

Post 6

crazy liverpool lass

ok mike, just give me a minutye 2 put my teeth back in! smiley - smiley lmfsao

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