This is the Message Centre for crazy.liverpool.lass

its debilove and mr.b.whizzz

Post 1


hiya hows it going we are some more mad leisure district peeps on here good luck with your site av a look at ours just type in the whizzz its a rite laff chat so seeeeeya

its debilove and mr.b.whizzz

Post 2


hiya!! am just comin down from 3 days ov partyin so soon as i find me brain will look in and see wats up!
thanx 4 the welcome xdeex


Post 3

LOFTY (just another l.d junkie)

hows it going did u get a drink at your brothers a bottle of whisky lol

wot whiskey

Post 4


no shuggie was drunk saturday night so we had another nice fight between him and sandra about it...are u coming down in october with andy and joyce and the babbie

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