This is the Message Centre for twosheds

Hi there, twosheds...

Post 1

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

I see you've already met two researchers-- one of which is my good friend Parrferris-- he's a good guy. I can vouch for that. smiley - winkeye I just thought I'd add my official welcome to the other two you you've received...

Anyhoo, welcome! My name is Amy and I'm an ACE, or assistant community editor, here at H2G2. We ACEs flit around as the official welcomers of the Guide, greeting new researchers and helping the community as a whole with whatever problems may arise. In order to help with this, I wrote this bare bones page: which has links to some of the more important places in the Guide.

Also, you may want to check out my user space (just click on my name above) because there's a list of the organizations I'm involved with, some of which might interest you. smiley - smiley In any event, just let me know if you need anything or if you just want to chat-- simply reply to this message or leave me a note on my user space. Enjoy!!!

~Amy (ACE, Keeper of Wolves, Muse of Procrastinating Novelists, High Priestess of Thing)

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