Journal Entries

the injection

Sigh. I thought I was so clever. I managed to miss the reaction test for my BCG way back in the third year, ergo I couldn't have a BCG. Last week, my sly ways were not enough to protect me from the letter that fluttered onto my doormat, commanding my presence at the hospital.

We are now able to give you the BCG injection you missed at school.


Today I had the allergy test. Next week, in a dark cloud of post-injection anger, I will write again.

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Latest reply: Oct 1, 2001

the wedding

i consider myself to be quite sensible, but what is it about weddings that brings out the pratt in me?
at the first strains of mambo no. 5, i was up. and falling over. i embarass myself.

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Latest reply: Sep 17, 2001

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