This is the Message Centre for MercuryKnight

Welcome MercuryKnight...

Post 1


How do you like smiley - earth Earth, so far? Isn't it a bit cooler than what you're used to?

Also, welcome to h2g2, which is the best place to be on this planet, or probably darn near any planet, for that matter smiley - planet

I hope you are enjoying yourself here. I am an Assistant Community Editor, (ACE), one of a group of volunteers who wander aimlessly about introducing newcomers to the site, offering help and generally making nuisances of ourselves smiley - smiley

If you would like to learn how to use smileys, the little emoticons seen everywhere on h2g2, just click on one and you'll be transported to the smiley page smiley - wizard We just got 40 new smileys, such as smiley - strawberry and smiley - strawberries, as well as smiley - schooloffish and smiley - shark and....

If you need a little more help finding your way around, please visit, which has links to a few of the interesting and informational places at h2g2

Also, feel free to drop by my page any time to chat or ask a question... but please leave your dragon in the parking lot...
smiley - cheers

Welcome MercuryKnight...

Post 2


thank you very much editor

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