This is the Message Centre for kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013


Post 41

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

"Hey, in this whacky world of equal opportunity, what's to stop you popping the question to James?"

Because if I did I'd see this:
smiley - yikessmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run

He knows I'll say yes when he asks, I know he'll ask when he's ready smiley - smiley

The trouble with being on a contract is once the term runs out they have no obligation to take you back again, and if you are not careful then your skills can drift out of date while you are off. Got to make some plans, how else do I pay the mortgage?


Post 42

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

ROFL would he really leg it like that?

Great that you are happy to wait. There's nothing us men hate more than being pressured into things.

You got me stumped on how to pay the mortgage without working. Been trying to suss that one out for years (and I come pretty close in this job, still have to do about 10 minutes work a day though)

IT skills do go out of date pretty quickly, but there always seems to be contract work available in that sector. I guess it all depends on how long you want to stay off work when having carpet monsters.
Or can't ya just get James to pay the mortgage ? smiley - winkeye


Post 43

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

"Or can't ya just get James to pay the mortgage ? "

I refer you to my previous answer:
smiley - yikessmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run


Post 44

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

Ahh in that case you need to go find that perfect job then!

Or...... You could......

Give James lots of smiley - ale, smiley - bubbly and smiley - strawberries, get him nice and smiley - drunk and smiley - biggrin. Get yourself kitted up like a smiley - nurse and smother him with smiley - smooches and smiley - cuddles and smiley - kisses.
What man could resist that?

Failing that of course, you could always smiley - grovel
smiley - winkeye

Sorry if any of that was innapropriate, just doing as much with the h2g2 smileys as I could.

Hope you are as happy as me that it's FRIDAY smiley - smiley
Got our first viewers comming round to our house today, should be interesting.
See ya


Post 45

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

How did your viewings go? Get any feedback from them?

smiley - puffk hating mondays and bemoaning the fact that I've been up for 4.5 hours already.


Post 46

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

Hi Kelli,

Thanks for asking about the viewings smiley - smiley *feels charmed at your interest*

The first one cancelled, two minutes after Clare finished hoovering and I finished all the lawn edges. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr, What's the point of tidying up if there's only yourself to appreciate it ? lol.

Had a couple round on Saturday who have put in an offer though *squirms with excitement* It's 10 grand less than our asking price, but still a good start for the first viewing.

Had another couple round yesterday who seemed even keener, but haven't heard anything back yet. Estate agent's dragging thier heels again.

I'm in a good mood today, despite it being Monday and having a terrible day at work. Went to the Zoo for my birhtday yesterday with all the family, so I'm still in a smiley - silly mood.

How was your weekend then? Nice to have some good weather for once eh?


Post 47

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Happy Birthday - you kept that quiet! So is that 29 now? *shudders at proximity to 3-0*

That was a good start - an offer from the first viewer! Fingers crossed that you'll get a few more and can do some negotiation.

Good weather ? smiley - laugh

Was walking home from the gym on saturday and had just cleared the last bit of shelter between town and my house (with about half a mile to go) when the heavens opened. I was only wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and a pair of shorts (standard gym attire) and within about 10 seconds I was soaked through. I had water running off the end of my nose and my trainers were full of squelch. People in cars and buses seemed to find the sight of me quite amusing as I trudged homewards - good job it was warm and I needed cooling after the gym or I wouldn't have seen the funny side at all smiley - biggrin

Other than that, I finally finished painting the ceiling and walls in my kitchen so that is phase 3 done - hooray! Not sure whether to go and get the new doors yet (for phase 4) or just live with it for a while. Got quite a busy weekend coming up so might just leave it for a few weeks.

Got lumbered with running a system test today - worst job ever. Really, really whinging about the fact that I've been up since 5. Still, the boss is off sick today so might leave early for a change smiley - smiley

smiley - puffk over 50lb lighter!


Post 48

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

51 lbs You Star!!!!!!!!!

Well done K, well impressed with your perseverence, especially after you told me you were stuggling last week.

Clare's lost 14 lbs now. She's looking fantastic and feeling great (fnar fnar!)

Hard to believe this conversation stated with me asking you for diet advice. Feels like I've bored you with my whole life story since then.

I've been good too, no pub visit today, and only had 1 beer for my birthday yesterday.
Anyways, speak soon mate, and thanks again for all your kind support.


Post 49

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

Lol I actually noticed how much weight you'd lost before you posted that last one.
h2g2 logged me out and it took me an age to reply though.

Yep 29 now, must updat ethe personal space when I get a chance (mght just leave it at 28 and feel young smiley - winkeye )

at you getting drenched. I wont make any lewd comments about wet tee shirts! Glad ya saw the funny side of it though.

Gonna have all that decorating fun when we move. I'm actually not that bad at a bit of DIY, surprising considering what a clumsy oaf I am normally.

5 am ! that's not early! I get up at that time most mornings for work (well 5.30) It's a killer isn't it. smiley - sadface


Post 50

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

Hiya Kelli,
Sorry to pip you to the post in the IQ quiz today. That's the first one I've ever tried, can't believe I might have got it right.

So how's tricks mate?


Post 51

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

*sobs* are you ignoring me now CLare's got all thin? smiley - winkeye


Post 52

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Yeah, have totally lost interest smiley - winkeye

I will get around to posting something a bit longer but have just been given an unreasonable deadline...*gulp*

smiley - cheers for now

smiley - puffk


Post 53

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

I knew it wouldn;t last. I bore everyone to death eventually smiley - winkeye

Deadlines GRRRRRR dontcha just hate them!
They never help you get the work done any quicker, they just increase your stress levels and distract you from the actual task.

Hope you get it sorted though.
Await your 'longer' post with baited breath.



Post 54

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Hello! Not worth the wait probably...

So how are you doing? Have you got your house sold yet? I'm having a very busy time of it so probably not posting as much as I'd like. How is Clare getting on, has she stopped trying to lose weight now? It sounded last time as though she has probably lost all that she needs to - make sure she doesn't go too far!

What do you make of the new smilies? I smiley - love the smiley - redwine...

smiley - puffk


Post 55

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

You are always worth the wait Kelli!
Thanks for remembering to reply, I do appreciate it. I lose track of all my convesations once they drop off my personal space page lol.

Was actually gonna bore you with more details of Clare's ongoing diet/battle this morning, but guessed you were busy, so thought I'd wait for you to ask first. Whoopeee! You must be psychic!

She's now officially too small for the trousers I got her for her birthday lol. But due to the numerous vomit and snot stains (the joys of parenthood) she needs a new pair anyway.
She says she wants to lose one more stone, because if she stays where she is now, she thinks she'll drift back to the old weight when she stops dieting/exercising. If she can get a stone lighter she can catch it before it gets that far.
She isn't going to go too mad, I wont let her lose any more than that, and wont let her weight become an obsession (who am I kidding what woman isnt obsessed with her weight lol) but I think losing another stone wont do any harm.
I'm now two notches down on my belt and none of my blimmin suits fit lol. Enjoying the new shape though, I've never been what anyone would consider muscular, lanky I think is the common term, but my bod actually seems to have kept a bit of shape in the right places. Clare and I are both impressed with each others results, and subsequently are getting alot more exercise in the horizontal department smiley - blush.

Still no joy on the house front smiley - sadface . only had 4 viewers come to see ours smiley - sadface all good feedback though, so we are just waiting it out.

How about you, any luck with the job yet?

Must confess I don't like the new smilies one bit, but I seem to be in the minority, so I'm keeping quiet about it. I have enough trouble remembering the easy smilies, all these new ones just confuse me even more.
Can't they add a smiley drop down box so you can select the one you want?
Thats actually the first time I've seen the smiley - love one. And being a big soppy wet romantic, I kinda like that smiley - smiley

Hope all is good in Kelli land, has James asked the big Q yet? Keep the pressure on him girl!



Post 56

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I am glad you are both doing so well, although I am not sure Clare needs to lose another stone! There will be nothing left of her! It is better to not 'stop' doing the diet and exercise thing as such, but gently adjust it so that you reach a level where you just stay the same.

So rather than exercising 3 times a week - do it twice a week. And have the occasional treat food slightly more regularly rather than cutting them out. If you keep an eye on your weight you can see over time how doing those things affects you - far better than just stopping and going back to old (bad) habits. You cant stop and start stuffing your face with smiley - porkpiesmiley - cheesecakesmiley - crisps and smiley - choc and not put it all back on again - even if you lost more than you needed to in the first place...smiley - winkeye

Things are good in Kelliland, I've been spending a bit of time jobhunting, but no luck yet - still some options open but nothing definite yet. Also been looking for a new house, but not too seriously yet - in the near future though. We've been talking about what sort of house we'd need for when we have kids (!) so I have been having new-house daydreams.

We also talked about what our kids might be like - we hope they get the right gene combo from us: tall and thin from their dad, and blonde and pretty from their mum rather than the other way round: short fat and geeky-looking smiley - biggrin I may be wearing him down after all...

Don't you think the smiley - mouse and smiley - esuom are cute? I am planning to steal smiley - diva for my name when I get rid of smiley - puff and the smiley - disco is cool if annoying...

Anyway, back to the grindstone...

smiley - puffk


Post 57

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

Oooooooh Talk of kids and houses eh???? You must be on the right track. Way to go Kelli! smiley - love

ROFL @ your kids being short fat and geeky looking. Clare and I had the exact same conversation before we had sprogs.
We all sound remarkably similar. I'm a tall thin geek and Clare is Blonde, amazingly pretty and well a little bit short (5'4) lol.
Our son Charlie got his mums hair and amazing eyes, and Grace got my long legs and her mum's feistyness. They are both going to be stunners when they get older smiley - biggrin.

I only survive the day on perfect house day dreams!
What's your ideal place Kelli? I'd love to compare notes.
If you do decide to move, feel free to ask me anything you like about moving, 'cos I do feel a bit of an expert on it now lol.

I appreciate the advice for Clare, and yes you are quite right. I think I just garbled what I was trying to say yesterday (smiley - drunk again!)
Clare does not need to lose any more weight, she didn't need the diet in the first place, but she wanted to get back to the size and shape she was before we had kids. Which I think is very commendable and understandable. That was 9 1/2 stone (please don't grimace that there will be nothing left of her!) 1 stone away from where she is now.

She doesn't intend to stop dieting or exercising as soon as she gets to that weight, but she will be happier with herself if she can keep to around 10 stone, even if she never reaches her target. Having kids does change your body, but she is well on the way to getting it back the way she wants it.

She is still having plenty of 'treat' foods, but in sensible moderation, and her will power has really surprised me. She agrees that it's not worth going on a diet if you make yourself unhappy with what you eat.
The old bad habbits are long gone, we wont be reverting to a diet of pie and chips every night once she gets to her target. But she can relax then and slowly ease off the exercise. The food will stay healthy from now on!

Sorry if I made it sound like she was turning into one of those people that only diet so they can binge out once they lose the wieght, she's alot more sensible than that thankfully. Thank you for your kind concern though babe, dunno what we'd do without our little diet fairy Kelli smiley - hug

Keep up the talk of kids with James, subtle suggestions of a 'son' growing up and taking an interest in his dads hobbies. That sets most blokes wheels rolling smiley - winkeye

Keep me posted, and best of luck with the job situation!



Post 58

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

Hiya Kelli,
How's you?
just noticed you crept upto 54lbs lost. Fantastic mate. I don't know how you keep the will power up, but hats off to ya!

Clare's lost another couple of pounds too, although the exercise has taken a bit of a back seat lately, just don't seem to have the time smiley - sadface

Finally managed to sell our house smiley - smiley just need to find one to buy now.

Hope this finds you well.



Post 59

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Hi Simon,
sorry I have been so crap at replying - I've been going through my backlog of unanswered messages but hadn't got to you yet!

Good news about your house smiley - ok - did you get what you wanted for it? So are you now spending every spare moment ringing around estate agents to see what has come on to the market in the last 10 minutes? It is a tiring business isn't it? It is fun though - up to a point. Have you decided on your must-haves, nice-to-haves, and definitely-nots?

You wanted to know about my ideal housey, well lets see...

*snaps back out of reverie*
I think I probably want the same things from the building as most people - lots of space, nicely proportioned rooms etc but unlike most I prefer to buy somewhere a little bit run down - so long as the work it needs mainly cosmetic, although I would consider a major renovation project too. When I bought my current flat it hadn't been decorated since the seventies - and even then it was to an old lady's taste. This was great because I wanted to decorate anyway and the slightly shocking and unpleasant wallpaper and carpets meant that lots of other people were put off - there was no bidding war and lots of people dismissed it as too much work so I got it quite cheap.

I'd want a similar state of property in the next place too, but that needs to be lots bigger than where we are now! Ideally we would have 3 beds/2 receptions, or a decent sized lounge/diner and 4 bedrooms. A big kitchen will be important - our current one is 2.5 meters long (or short if you prefer) and james can put his hands flat on opposite side walls at the same time, so it is tiny! I would love a garden, I had one at my first house in Kent and loved potering about out there at weekends (got me out in the fresh air without having to just sit and sunbathe) and really miss it now I'm in a flat. We need somewhere to keep the car, so a garage or off street parking is important.

I like period houses with nice high ceilings and old fireplaces and cornices and all that but surprisingly James (at 6'6") isn't that bothered. We like South Croydon, where we currently live and wouldn't mind staying in the area - it is handy for good shopping and has fast links into London in under 30 minutes - plus the trains run all night so we can always get home. On the other hand I'd prefer to be west of london to make commuting to jobs that bit easier, and so I can be nearer my family. We'll have to see what we can afford.

Things are going to be slow in finding somewhere, my job situation means that it might be difficult to get a mortgage easily so we might wait and see what I end up doing next before jumping off at the deep end. We had a chat about the whole marriage thing at the weekend and he has ruled it out for at least a year. Given how broody I am feeling, that lets me know I won't be starting a family for quite a few years yet. smiley - sadface

The result of that is that I am really down this week, it is not his fault if he isn't ready but it's upsetting nonetheless. My diet has slightly gone out of the window and I am not well so not exercising either. I am hoping things look a bit brighter next week. The other thing that happened over the weekend was that I got a one month extention to my contract with my current client - I should be pleased as it is another month's money but I really want to leave so that hasn't helped my mood at all.

Sorry to be such a misery, I really shouldn't be allowed to talk to people when I am this smiley - blue

Hmm... I'll stop whingeing at you now, good luck finding a perfect housey - what exactly are you after?

smiley - puffsmiley - bluek


Post 60

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

Dear Kelli,
You should know by now that h2g2 is just the place to let off steam when you are feeling smiley - blue. Please don't appologise for it. Rest assured that I'll be dumping all my glumness on you and fellow hootooers when I'm at my wits end with estate agents smiley - winkeye

And also, don't say sorry for not replying, you have alot on your plate at the moment. Long as you don't mind me nudging my conversation to the top of the pile every once in a while then I'm more than happy.

Sounds like you are a girl after my own heart when it comes to houses. I'd much rather buy somewhere cheap but with potential and decorate it to my taste, than pay over the odds for spanky decorating but a naff house.
Sounds like you might have liked our current house. 3 beds, 2 recepts, good size garden and osp and garage. We sold it for 195,000 which was 10 grand more than any estate agent valued it, so we are pretty chuffed smiley - smiley
Looking for an identical house, but just in a better location for schools, and possibly a bit more room to extend in future should we suddenly become rich (we can dream right?)
Location has to be the main demand. Close to good schools and the station. Quiet road would be nice, and a garden you can swing a cat in is a bonus. Inside I don't care, long as there's room to cuddle up of an evening I'm happy. Definitely-nots are any house that's too close to my parents, that's about my only stipulation.

I don't think you'll find it too hard getting a mortgage. There are plenty about for IT contractors thes days, but house prices are so high it's often annoying that you can't afford what you really want.

I'm so sorry to hear about James not wanting to make an honest woman of you for another year. But please don't feel too sad about it Kel. I bet James would marry you at the drop of a hat if it wasn't for other constraints like money and stuff (If he wouldn't he should! You're a fine catch for any man).
Clare had to wait nine years before I popped the question to her, and she was tearing her hair out by the end of it. But it will happen, that's all you have to remember.
Can I ask how important marriage actually is to you? different people value it differently, but in these modern times, it's not the 'be all and end all' of commitment it used to be.

As for being broody, well you've come to the right place if you wanna be put off that. If I told you some of the horror stories I've witnessed since my daughter Grace was born, you'd never let James near you again! lol.
Babies look cute, the idea of being a responsible parent sounds nice. But in reality it's a whole different kettle of smelly nappies! They demand attention 24 hours a day, even when they are asleep you worry about SIDS/cot death. They cry for no reason, driving you both to distraction trying to work out what's wrong. They puke, they poo, they are as fragile as bone china and they wont remember any of your hard efforts when they grow up.
They do have thier plus points, which compensate for the above, but if you aren't in the right situation to have them, you can easily overlook these good things and end up resenting the baby for ruining your life.

You know deep in your heart that you and James will have kids together at some point. You aren't old Kelly, there isn't any rush at all.
And most importantly of all, think of all the weight you'll pile on if you were preggers. Give yourself some time to appreciate the success of your diet babe.

At the start of this week, both Clare and I were manically depressed about the whole house situation, problems with my parents, kids playing up and having no money. It's only Thursday and all but one of them problems have been sorted. Life has a funny way of sorting itself out when you least expect it.

So kick back and relax and you never know, James might have a romantic surprise lined up that he doesn't want you to spoil. If he makes you think he wants to wait a year, you'll appreciate it even more when he does pop the Q.

Ever the optimist (and trying to get on the longest posting board by the looks of things)


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