Journal Entries
Previous Identity
Posted Dec 3, 2001
I've just discovered that if I go on to the web via MS FreeWeb instead of MSN Explorer I can access my old Personal Space and edit it. This opens up the possibility of talking to myself on H2G2. Weird!
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Latest reply: Dec 3, 2001
A Famous Birthday!
Posted Aug 3, 2001
Just added my birthday (March 14th) to the birthday list.
Same date as Albert Einstein!
Well, I never knew that. I wonder if he was a RELATIVE?
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Latest reply: Aug 3, 2001
My Space
Posted Jul 15, 2001
I've just updated some of My Space using GuideML, my first effort with this language(?). Interesting! (GuideML that is, not My Space). I found the GuideML Clinic useful. I printed out some of the pages so I wouldn't have to keep jumping in and out of it to check syntax etc. It took ages to print out!
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Latest reply: Jul 15, 2001
Logging in to h2g2
Posted Jul 14, 2001
I seem to have a lot of bother geting in to h2g2.
Today I tried and kept getting a 502 Proxy Error. As I am a web dummy I had absolutely no idea what this meant so I sent off an email, giving all the details, to the BBC Webmaster - well I couldn't contact anyone here as I couldn't get in!
After I sent the email I tried to get in to h2g2 again and bingo I'm in.
This either means that the BBC Webmaster supplies instant miracle cures for all your BBC Online problems or a 502 Proxy Error just means that the system is overloaded or something.
eg give us a message like "SYSTEM OVERSUBSCRIBED - TRY AGAIN LATER" and we'll know what you're talking about.
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Latest reply: Jul 14, 2001
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."