This is the Message Centre for Gaz

Welcome Gaz. . .

Post 1


Hi Gaz!! And welcome to H2G2! smiley - smiley I'm Duncan, and I am an ACE here ( Assistant Community Editor ). I get to greet new folks here and help them to get if you have any questions or troubles or just wanna shoot the breeze, feel free to simply post a respone to this message, or leave a message on my space at . I also have a page full of useful links at .

I'm off to find a cup of smiley - coffee and then I think it is time to grab some smiley - zzz......have fun!

Welcome Gaz. . .

Post 2


Hi Duncan!
Thanks for the welcome - it's nice to know someone is looking out for me. One quick question: can you put URLs in your journal entries, or does the Beeb frown on this?! smiley - smiley

Welcome Gaz. . .

Post 3


The Powers That Be would like to see them only in GUIDE entries. Here is the relevant stuff from the House Rules:

Do not include any URLs in Conversation Postings or
Nicknames, and only include suitable URLs in Guide
Entries. We do not allow URLs to external websites to be included
in Conversation Postings or Nicknames, but we do allow them in
Guide Entries, so if you want to link (say) to your own personal
website, please do so from your own Guide Entries, and
preferably your Personal Space.

Although this might sound bizarre, it is for a very good reason.
BBC policy is that all links on all sites are checked on a regular
basis, to ensure that the BBC never links to sites which might
offend its users. On h2g2, reviewing all the links is a considerable
task, so to make sure the job of revisiting links does not get out of
hand, we are doing a trial which involves restricting URLs to Guide
Entries only. Depending on how the trial goes, this policy may be
revised, but in the meantime, we will remove all URLs from
Conversations and Nicknames, except for those to sites
(including h2g2).

In the meantime, you might like to consider setting up a Guide
Entry for you to put links on, and you can then put a link in the
Conversations or your Nickname to that entry (as it is fine to
include links to Guide Entries in Conversations and Nicknames).

Any links from Guide Entries to websites we consider unsuitable
will be removed - if you are considering adding a URL to an entry,
please make sure that it adds value and interest to the subject of
your entry, and isn't, for example, purely commercial. Unsuitable
sites would include those with racist material, pornographic or
sexually explicit material, anything which encourages illegal
activities, material which infringes copyright, or sites which purely
plug or promote commercial products or services without
containing material which enhances the subject matter.

For a complete set of the rules, visit

Hope I have been of some service. smiley - smiley

Welcome Gaz. . .

Post 4


Most appreciated. Saves me trawling about the place for rules and regs!

Thanks again,


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