This is the Message Centre for Electric Monkey

Hi! Welcome!

Post 1


Hello! I'm Zaphod Beeblebrox the 1st, President and CFITU, ACE, Ko PGGB's + A*'s!smiley - cool
I think my friend, LittleMiss has just welcomed you! Ah well! will too!smiley - magic
Aren't u popular!?
Anyway, I'm gonna do this properly as U are the first person I'm welcoming under my new job, Assistant Community Editor (ACE)
You can join the club here:
Please enjoy u're stay here!smiley - biggrin

If you wan't to sample my own creation, the Pan-Galactic Gargleblaster recipie is here:
smiley - bubbly
Also, try out the smileys page! That's how I'm puttin the piccys in!! Try it! Just click on the MONSTER! smiley - monster
Ok!! Just click on the bubbly smiley - bubbly
That'll get u there!
It takes a bit of time to load so put the kettle on and have a smiley - stiffdrink
Here's a tip:Master Guide ML!
It's dead groovy!! Make's u're page look fab!! Can go smiley - drunk though!
Hope that's enough to get u started!
smiley - cool

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Hi! Welcome!

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