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Which is it?

"Are you one who looks on? Or one who lends a hand? Or one who looks away and walks off?"

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, as translated by Walter Kaufmann

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Latest reply: Aug 4, 2001

A trigger is not part of a gun

For a person with an abuse history or any tendency to dissociate, a trigger is something that reminds that person so much of a past event that the person leaves here/now and goes to there/then. What GETS triggered could be an actual flashback (reliving, as though it were NOW, some previous event) or the feelings associated with some previous event.

Anything can be a trigger. A partial list would include an object, an action, a word, a smell and an attitude.

If you or someone you are with seems to be reacting inappropriately or out of proportion to a situation, it could be a result of a trigger.

When dealing with a trigger, first step in returning to here/now is to get focused on something that is clearly here/now and not there/then. I've used Christmas decorations, stepping out to the porch to look at the trees, and current popular music on a radio to do this with various people in the past.

It is probably A Good Idea for a person who has just "gotten back" from being triggered to eximine WHAT the trigger was and WHY it was a trigger. All the better to avoid that trigger or to avoid being as triggered by the same thing in the future.

Once a person, and anybody closely associated with that person, knows his/her triggers, those triggers are easier to avoid. When a person who can be triggered knows how to identify that s/he IS triggered, it's not as difficult to get back to here/now. For that reason, if no other, knowing how to identify a trigger and tell when a person has been triggered is important for the person to whom this happens and anyone who cares about that person.

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Latest reply: Jul 22, 2001

A trigger is not part of a gun

For a person with an abuse history or any tendency to dissociate, a trigger is something reminds that person so much of a past event that ther person leaves here/now and goes to there/then. What GETS triggered could be an actual flashback (reliving, as though it were NOW, some previous event) or the feelings associated with some previous event.

Anything can be a trigger. A partial list would include an object, an action, a word, a smell and an attitude.

Once a person, and anybody closely associated with that person, knows his/her triggers, the easier they are to avoid. When a person who can be triggered knows how to identify that s/he IS triggered, it's not as difficult to get back to here/now. For that reason, if no other, knowing how to identify a trigger and tell when a person has been triggered is important for the person to whom this happens and anyone who cares about that person.

It is probably A Good Idea for a person who has just "gotten back" from being triggered to eximine WHAT the trigger was and WHY is was a trigger. All the better to avoid that trigger or to avoid being as triggered by the same thing in the future.

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Latest reply: Jul 22, 2001

On Honesty

"Not only are they liars who speak when they know better, but even more those who speak when they know nothing."

Fredrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, as translated by Walter Kaufmann

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Latest reply: Jul 18, 2001

Haiku, reposted July 15, 2001 in online memory of LeKZ, "banned for life"

Homeless, Hungry, Cold
The Flower Cannot Unfold
Truths Will Go Untold

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Latest reply: Jul 15, 2001

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David Conway

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