This is the Message Centre for Busterbone

haunt-o-gram for the bad dog

Post 21

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost hope you are o.k. wishing you and your family well.

haunt-o-gram for the bad dog

Post 22


Thanks for all the messages rambling.

I feel bad I didn't get back to you but I havent been near the computer in days.

Everybody here is well.

I am once again struggling with the backlog in the various threads

haunt-o-gram for the bad dog

Post 23

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghostsmiley - laugh don't I know it!
glad to know you and your's are doing fine. I'll stop worrying, but not caring.
jeez that sounded mushy! I gotta do a quick smiley - nahnah.
whew! feel more like myself now. gotta smiley - zoom to the cat house to see what you did to the cats who were grabbing you in interrrrrresting places.

haunt-o-gram for the bad dog

Post 24


Not grabbing. Clamping.

Clamping is much worse

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