This is the Message Centre for Busterbone


Post 1

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Hello Busterbone smiley - smiley

Welcome to h2g2 - another Aussie smiley - biggrin - there are lots of us here.

My name is Feisor and I am an ACE (Assistant Community Editor) - there are lots of ACEs here too - we are here to help you with any questions or problems you may have. If you reply to this message by hitting the reply button below it will leave a note on my page - or you can click on my name at the top of the message and it will take you to my page. Drop in, if you like, and say hello. This is a friendly place and your participation is most welcome, nay, even encouraged - just jump right in anywhere - and enjoy.

Here's a link that you might find useful.

It's Shea's List of Links - you'll probably meet Shea on your wanderings - lovely person smiley - smiley and it leads to some fascinating places around h2g2 - great for having a look-see and a great place to start.

And above all DON'T PANIC!! smiley - smiley


Post 2


Hi Feisor, sorry I took so long to reply but I've been touring H2G2 and there is a lot to see.

I've joined the Thingite Revolution and have now met Shea. In fact she is about to give me a pat down.smiley - smiley

I think I got the hang of the smileys too.


Post 3

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

No worries Busterbone - the welcome is just to let you know that there ARE places to go and such - but you found that out for yourself smiley - laugh

I've run into you in various fora so can see that you've made yourself at home and that's great!!

A pat down from Shea??? smiley - bigeyes ENJOY!! smiley - laugh

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