This is the Message Centre for Baron von Flapjack
Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation Started conversation Jul 2, 2001
Welcome to h2g2. I am an ACE, an official volunteer on h2g2, whose job it is to welcome you. I also like doing it, so here goes. I have just one piece of advice for you, which is to visit and find out about the smileys. You'll need them.
I hope that you have a great time here, enjoy yourself!
Ausnahmsweise, wie üblich (Consistently inconsistent) Posted Jul 12, 2001
Hello Herr Baron,
I'm a scout and we already exchanged some notes about your Rochester entry. Welcome!
I live across the water from you (well, southern Ontario anyway).
Since you're with Xerox, there's an entry on laser printers in peer review that you might like to comment on.
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