This is the Message Centre for Nandi

Hola Nandi!..

Post 1

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

*sweeping in *

Welcome to h2g2!smiley - angel

I am one of the h2g2 ACEs (Assistant Community Editor) and also one of the h2g2 Guardian Angels, and we are here to help newcomers.
If you have any questions, just feel free to ask me!

I'm sure you'll find diversity among the researchers at h2g2 - I'm Swedish!

ACEs' home page:

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If you would like to find out more about the smileys, just click on this one ---> smiley - biggrin and it will take you to the h2g2 smiley page!

Hola Nandi!..

Post 2


Thanks Kristina... and did I mention how truly wonderful h2g2 is?

Hola Nandi!..

Post 3

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

*rubs eyes and looks at Nandi's user page*

Hey, did you add a lot after I came here the first time? I can't remember reading that lovely text 'Under the African sky'!

I was going to suggest you write an entry about it, but I see you've already started on an entry (The Poisonwood Bible) so I'll leave you to it.

Enjoy yourself!smiley - angel

Hola Nandi!..

Post 4


Oh I have never had so much fun running up a phone bill. I do have a question... is there a way to get a book title in italics when it is in the subject line? Everytime I try the mark-up language shows through in the preview.

Hola Nandi!..

Post 5

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

Very far down on the 'Edit' page, you have a button called 'Change style' - try changing to GuideML

Hola Nandi!..

Post 6


Yes, the style is already in GuideML. I think the problem maybe that the subject box already has a style imbedded style in it, and for some reason the and markers are being read as text? So for now I've given up and just used quote marks to indicate the title...

Hola Nandi!..

Post 7

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

Duh! *strikes forehead*

Sorry, I wasn't paying enough attention - I don't know if it's possible to use in the subject tag, since the subject comes before the and tags, which are inserted automatically. But if anyone knows, that would be Bruce, he's the expert around here!

He's created the Guide ML Clinic, found here:

Try starting a conversation there, and someone who's more of an expert than I will hopefully have an answer for you within shortly!

Good luck!smiley - star

Hola Nandi!..

Post 8


Ah Kristina, you *are* an angel, thank-you


Post 9

LL Waz

Welcome to h2g2 smiley - smiley. I've just gone green with envy reading your homepage (though not about your work situation). Its just as well summer is just starting here in the UK or I would have gone smiley - blue. I know almost all of those birds, and I've seen that lightening too.
Waz *goes off to go dreaming*


Post 10

Santragenius V

Quite a good read! I'm quite taken with your description of the nature there and your way through, in and about in it but also with your impressions of getting back to "civilisartion" once in a while...

As the wildest animal in the forest I enjoy being in every morning is probably the dog I bring with me, I don't find myself in company with much potential danger -- but do enjoy the birds, the squirrels and on a good day, the odd deer.

I don't know where my sanity would be without Mother Nature around to clean my brain...!

smiley - smiley

smiley - star SG V


Post 11


Howzit SantraG - thanks for stopping by...

I've been to Copenhagen (where there seemed to be very many attractive, healthy-looking, liberal people), just once for 4 days on a conference; my fondest memories being that wonderful salmon sushi dish flavoured just right with something like mustard, whose name slips my mind. I even have proof-of-visit: a brave and fearless photo of me standing next to a sign that reads "Tattoo Bimbo." I did not, however, bring a tattoo back.

I quite liked your quote about the relationship between Danish weather and existentialism, and laughed. Although my visit was in early June and I only needed to wear an overcoat on one occasion, I did live under similar lowering skys in Amsterdam one winter. Three months of chill and rain, with the sun making brief, covert appearances only occasionally ('Quick, look, there it is, see it? Behind that pale little bright spot in the clouds? Oh no, too late, it is gone now.'); well, it was enough to suck the hope right out of me! At the time I devised a theory of colonialism that was not economic, it was meteorological - those poor Europeans just couldn't take one more d**m winter!

So I hope the sun is shining for your midsummer's day, and may you picnic with your family until midnight! I, the southerly one, will shiver through the winter solstice under layers of clothes in my typically unheated South African home, keeping my fingers warm on the keyboard, glad that the sun will be coming back soon!


Post 12

Santragenius V

smiley - smiley

That colonisation theory certainly has some meritsmiley - biggrin! Until just a week or two ago, we most certainly had what Danes, in our typical dry wit (when it comes to the weather, at least), calls "the green winter". Nothing more than 12 or 13°, lots of rain, etc. Though it's grayish today, at least they promise sun and 23... (and I'm at work smiley - sadface)

I'm happy you enjoyed Copenhagen smiley - smiley I'd certainly recommend the rest of the article I quoted -- the copyright restrictions made me pull off the link I had to a site which had the full text (as it wasn't Nat'l Geographics...). I must say, that the printed article is not only a good read, the accompanying pictures are great, too.

As to the healthy-thing, I don't think we're too much better than anybody else - and as to the liberal, well, yes on a lot of issues. But these days it seems, IMHO at least, that traditional Danish liberalism is scarred somewhat by too many Danes becoming decidedly unliberal when it comes to integrating "strangers" (read: refugees and immigrants).

I guess it's bound to help in a few years when the need for more people in the workforce becomes very apparant - but I'd have liked the openness to be voluntary...

Anyway, enough of a rant for one morning smiley - smiley Keep warm and have a good time reading and h2g2ing...!
smiley - star

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