This is the Message Centre for Hecuba

Globetroting on h2g2

Post 1

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

welcome to h2g2 lots to disover here.

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I wish you lots fun on the h2g2 pages. I hope will come by soon.


Globetroting on h2g2

Post 2


Thank you for the welcome. I must admit I was pretty confused at first but it seems like a very friendly place. I look forward to meeting people and contributing. Until the next time.

Globetroting on h2g2

Post 3

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

some other places to watch
always start with the front page:

read h2g2 offical newspaper:
published on thursday.

intresting h2g2 statistics:
also lastest posting in forums.

ecalpemos, the virtual contiment:
I invite you to come by.

founder of ecalpemos.

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