This is the Message Centre for Demonica

a big welcome

Post 1


Well hello and welcome to h2g2.
You are not alone at least 4 other bradfordians have been on h2g2 but i think only Olmondroyd and myself have stayed.Olmondroyd is writing a piece on Bradford for the guide you can read it on please tell him what you think of it as he is looking for ideas.
Anyway i was saying hello we are very friendly here and like to greet the newcomers to the site we even have ACES that greet poeple (like olmndroyd ACE) i am sure you will get to know more about the place in time but if you need any help just reply to this message.

a big welcome

Post 2


That link diddn't work so i will try again i will also but up a link to is user page
thats better.

a big welcome

Post 3


Wow! You're right about friendly - how long did it take you to find me? I'm very surprised. Very community!

I'm shocked. And very pleased to hear from you! I will go peruse that work in progress on Bradford now...


Post 4


This post has been removed.

a big welcome

Post 5


I just clicked on the who's on line link and looked for the (NEW THIS WEEK) on the end so that i could drop by and say hello to a few newcomers i read you homepage first to see what to chat about.(it is a good way of finding out about people reading there user page you can read mine by clicking on the name at the top of this message)

a big welcome

Post 6


Hi I'm part Bradfordian (term time at least). I'm doing a course at the college. Welcome to the site.

This is a page with a few helpful links to bits and pieces on the site, I hope you find it useful. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Enjoy and have fun.

SallyM smiley - smiley

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