This is the Message Centre for TheGrue (hiding in a blackbox)

Welcome The Grue...

Post 1

E G Mel

Welcome to h2g2, I am an ACE one of the volunteers who welcomes new researchers.

You might find my page of links useful at:

You can reply to me here or leave me a message on my userspace which you can get to by clicking on my name at the top of this message (this works for everyone btw).

Find out how to do smileys like this one smiley - smiley by clicking on him to take you to the smiley page.

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It is a little strange at first and takes a bit of getting used to, but once you have the bug, you won't want to leave!

Have fun, Read lots and Don't Panic

Mel smiley - hsif

TheGrue welcomes you...

Post 2

TheGrue (hiding in a blackbox)

Thank you Mel.... for your kind welcome...
smiley - monster but haven't you forgotten to bring some light? Never eaten a card before... tasty, though.

TheGrue welcomes you...

Post 3

E G Mel

I don't need light, I am an ACE we walk unafeared into many a new researchers unknown territory! smiley - star
Mel smiley - hsif

TheGrue welcomes you...

Post 4

TheGrue (hiding in a blackbox)

bad mistake... always carry a light source... (there surely is a guide entry about Zork in here somewhere smiley - winkeye )... but I'll let that blinking fishie of yours count, I guess, otherwise I'll get lonely ...

TheGrue welcomes you...

Post 5

E G Mel

I had a smiley - star in the last post and I always have my mini maglight in my handbag in RL (real life) if that counts! smiley - winkeye

Mel smiley - hsif

TheGrue welcomes you...

Post 6

TheGrue (hiding in a blackbox)

It sure does, Mel, I'll just wait for a stray cockroach without a handbag to come in here... but please do me the favour not to use the maglight in here, I have to equip this place with a cupboard to hide in first smiley - winkeye . You see, Grues are frightened by light... makes socializing as bit difficult, it does...

TheGrue welcomes you...

Post 7

E G Mel

Yes I can imagine, are there any other Grues around here?

Mel smiley - hsif

TheGrue welcomes you...

Post 8

TheGrue (hiding in a blackbox)

I found 7, all are hidden or not yet activated smiley - blue... not very social, we seem to be... I guess I better find a black box to carry around and hide inside, so I can visit other places (apart from eavesdropping through the sewers, I mean smiley - blackcat). A question though: is it terrible impolite to join in conversations where you know nobody at all? If they aren't terribly private, of course? I might be gruesome, but I wouldn't like to be impolite... or brash... thanks gruefully... smiley - erm

TheGrue welcomes you...

Post 9

E G Mel

Join in conversations any where, feel free to visit my space and join in some of mine smiley - smiley

People are really friendly and love having new people to talk to!

Mel smiley - hsif

TheGrue welcomes you...

Post 10

TheGrue (hiding in a blackbox)

thanks for the invitation Mel, I'll grab my black box an be right over smiley - bigeyes Phew, I just found an old aquaitance in here, but sadly he seems to have left... to late...

TheGrue welcomes you...

Post 11

E G Mel

Who? Someone from RL?

Mel smiley - hsif

TheGrue welcomes you...

Post 12

TheGrue (hiding in a blackbox)

no, truly and always only virtual... TV's Frink, or his ghost now only...
I fond a Café ... it's behaving strangely, but as long as nobody rips that blackbox off ...
smiley - winkeye

TheGrue welcomes you...

Post 13

E G Mel

Ahhh right then! smiley - winkeye

Mel smiley - hsif

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