This is the Message Centre for Trillian


Post 1


Hiya Trillsmiley - cool
How's school I've got 2 people that wanna talk 2 usmiley - biggrin
Hello It's Ann C and Tess here want 2 know how ur doing got to go before we get into troublesmiley - blush
It's me again did Beth win a trophy in the recorder catergory if so say congrats 2 her from me call me soon as u haven't replied 2 my e-mails u pigsmiley - fishsmiley - hsif


Post 2


Howz u? Say hi to T. and A. 4 me. Beth won her recorder classes, she and i are in the county music featival this week!smiley - biggrin
I am creating the lotr musical, we'r a little short on actors @ the moment so do u wanna part?!
Hey...i'm Sauron...smiley - biggrin


Post 3


Firstly tell me what the HELL LOTR musical issmiley - doh
I'll say hi 2 T & Asmiley - biggrin
C U soonsmiley - cool
Tiffsmiley - bubbly


Post 4


Tee hee!
I hasn't been here for a v. long time smiley - online2longso I am feeling all righteous nowsmiley - angelsmiley - fairy
smiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

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