This is the Message Centre for Platypus 2

Crazy Sydneyite?

Post 1


Just in case I ever make it to a Sydney meet (I'm actually closer to Melbourne, but what the hell) I thought I ought to pop along and say hi to the people I might be meeting. smiley - cheers

I might actually be at the meet on 30th August - possibly. smiley - erm

So...I remember visiting your space before, but I don't think I ever posted. I came to the site ages ago, then left for about a year, and now I'm back. smiley - smiley

So...smiley - flansmiley - tomato to get some conversation going...


Crazy Sydneyite?

Post 2

Platypus 2

Welcome back Niwt,smiley - smiley I think I remember chatting toyou briefly before and I know that I offered some extra info on Fraser Island but it was too late for your purposessmiley - erm.

I hope that you can come on Saturday 30th, we could use some new bloodsmiley - vampiresmiley - smiley.

Dodgessmiley - flan&smiley - tomatowith the ease of long practise....

Crazy Sydneyite?

Post 3

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

Yeah, the Fraser Island was mine. smiley - cheers The project is currently being subbed, so hopefully you'll be able to see it on the front page one day...

I don't know about the 30th, it all depends on my parents. smiley - erm

smiley - flansmiley - tomatosmiley - run

Crazy Sydneyite?

Post 4

Platypus 2

Well hopefully you'll make it... I might let my daughter come for a little while, she's online as DancingTiger, but hasn't posted for a whilesmiley - smiley

Crazy Sydneyite?

Post 5

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

smiley - coolIs she the one mentioned in the journal entry about people checking bags? When I was at an airport recently I was quite surprised about how they wanted to look in everything smiley - groan

Crazy Sydneyite?

Post 6

Platypus 2

Yep, plays trombone, plays soccer and touch footy, into Redwall Books and causing me as much grief as possiblesmiley - tongueout. Also looking at high schools currently...smiley - sadface

Crazy Sydneyite?

Post 7

Elephants? Or Just Niwt?

smiley - cool

Agh, well good luck with the schools. We're going through a similar thing at the moment. smiley - cheerup

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