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Post 1


I have recently been in touch with Shazz and she said I should try to get in touch with a few Aussie by getting onto your page.

I have spent alot of time in Australia and I must say I love the place and the people.

I have travelled through every state on a motorcycle, I have a story on website if you would like to read it.

Shazz is also doing something as well, I have a daughter that was born in Bundaburg in 1989 and she has duel citzenship lucky her, I wish I got that when I was there.

I hope you find the story interesting.



Post 2

Platypus 2


My apologies for the delay in responding, I've been off line for a while. I will certainly read your story weith great interest.

I've been to Bundaberg, they do great rum there.

Feel free to chat any time your passing and I'll keep an eye out for you., There are a number of Australians in H2G2 and some of them are down as freinds of mine so feel free to look them up as well

Take care

P2 smiley - redwine

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