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Kids... with noise makers...
MadHamish : Off in the real world! Started conversation Mar 25, 2003
G'day,I couldn't go past your page without making a comment. I have been playing various brass instruments from the young age of 6.
I can sympathise with the noise you ,may/have/will be subjected to.
Now, I have to say that trumpet is my forte in particular and the sound of a horn in the average home goes straight through the walls, into the neighbours place, makes itself a coffee and stays for the duration(but I don't need to be telling you this). Still I give you credit, for your bravery (two brass instruments in one home)
One hint before I shoot off into my little world of mayhem, If you haven't come across them yet, get 'mutes' for the children's instruments. It dulls the sound quite a lot, it is a great skill to learn for Jazz & Blues playing, and the resistence it causes on the air flow through the instrument is resistence training for the lungs!
Happy deafness! Mad Hamish
(Just another bloody Mexican)
Kids... with noise makers...
Platypus 2 Posted Mar 25, 2003
Thank you for dropping by, don't feel you have to rush off on my account,, stay and have a
or three.
The trombone is quite mellow, but I think a mute is a good idea for the trumpet,at some stage, but as he is just beginning, sustained notes are few and far between. Poor boy, he would have preferred an oboe, or even a bassoon, but the school band doesn't run to those types of instruments.
Kids... with noise makers...
MadHamish : Off in the real world! Posted Mar 25, 2003
Oh, and if your young fella is having trouble with sore lips because of the pressure on his teeth, you can get small wax insert strips free from most dentists that you put in the mouth, over the front teeth. It helps the beginners get better pressure to the mouth piece while protecting the top lip. Just a thought! Oh and please don't make the same mistake my parents made initially, let the boy play what he likes, not what some stuffy, uptight, untalented music teacher thinks is 'Good music'. I spent years hating music, only to find that I luuurve Blues and Jazz horn. I will spear a classical musician at 100 paces these days, because of this problem.
Whoops! Just gave you a small glimpse into the twisted mind. Didn't mean that! Anyway, Fare thee well...
(Learning to play piano with a soup ladel)
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Kids... with noise makers...
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