This is the Message Centre for Platypus 2


Post 1

Pond_Rat [life is weird - laugh at it.]

So where's the photo's dear-one? smiley - hug


Post 2

Platypus 2

Ohhh dear Pond Rat, the photos are still in the camera, I have to take it back to my fathers to download them, then he emails them to me at work so I can edit them, then I write a report and we get it all done in time for next weeks POST (i hope).

Once I have the photos, tho, I can email them to you individually if you want.
smiley - hug


Post 3

Pond_Rat [life is weird - laugh at it.]

Cheers Platypus - didn't realise it was such a convoluted process {I thought you'd just have to go home plug camera in to PC and hey-presto} smiley - biggrin I can be patient.

BTW, [email protected] if you wish to email them smiley - hug


Post 4

Pond_Rat [life is weird - laugh at it.]

Cheers for the photos Platypus - They're great (except the ones with my ugly mug in 'em smiley - alienfrown

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