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hello, a fellow ld escapee here lol

Post 1


Hi there Linda pleased to meet you I'm Sharon smiley - angel. I'm 28 from Motherwell and I've got a 9 yr old daughter. This looks like it could be better than ld lol though that wouldn't be hard smiley - star

hello, a fellow ld escapee here lol

Post 2


hiya Sharon, nice to meet you, only thing about this is everyone can read your messages!!

I wish they would hurry up and fix all the LD problems, cos its great when it works!! lol

i've seen your name in chat but dont think we have spoken!
anyway better go and get the tea on, speak to you soon

Linda x

hello, a fellow ld escapee here lol

Post 3


yeah I've seen you in chat as well lol and I agree there is no where to send private messages to. Come on ld hurry up and get fixed lol. What I think is cool is the smiley's lol smiley - cool Enjoy your tea, catch you soon smiley - biggrin

hello, a fellow ld escapee here lol

Post 4

Jump the gun

Hello sanctuary from the demon 6050.

i too am an escapee from Ld only just got
who were you in ld,?? I was usually in the family room but Ive given p ages ago its so bad.

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