This is the Message Centre for LittleMissFordPrefect * scfitu * KoRCS * PS of the ....*

Bk for good!

Post 1

LittleMissFordPrefect * scfitu * KoRCS * PS of the ....*

OK all, after much umming and ahhing, (alright, so I suddenly remembered h2g2 existed smiley - blush) I have decided to come back for good - and I mean it!

So, I've recently applied to rejoin the ACEs and hopefully will soon be bk on track!

(I would initiate a party - but I dont think many people will be reading this. Oh well.... )

Cya all around!

smiley - angel
smiley - devil

Bk for good!

Post 2


Just dropped by to say Hi - Hi!
smiley - winkeye

Bk for good!

Post 3

LittleMissFordPrefect * scfitu * KoRCS * PS of the ....*

And how are u? Glad to see that people are still alive around here! Ive only just arrived bk at h2g2 from computer troubles and multiple music courses - leaving me with a broken finger and an absolutely grotesque splint to match! smiley - cry
Ah, but akll will be better soon =o)
I have recently started reading hitchhiker - dna's mjsimpson biography as im sure u well know smiley - biggrin v intresting
well, must dash

smiley - angel
smiley - devil

Bk for good!

Post 4


Thats sounds nasty - wishing you smiley - fairy a speedy recovery - I am very well, thanks for asking, and I am off on holiday next week to see my Girlfriend who I haven't seen for three weeks - after which I hope to be even better smiley - smiley - (now I am feeling guilty about your poorly finger whilst I am all happy)

I've just read - a short history of nearly everything by Bill Bryson, very interesting and I keep annoying people with useless facts I have half remembered from it!
e.g. Don't go to yellowstone national park it's long overdue to dissapear

MMC sounds like a serious disease, well if I write it like that it does - but go on admit it, really you've been to Band Camp smiley - winkeye

Oh well, I hope all your digits are back in fine order soon,


or if you like,


Bk for good!

Post 5

LittleMissFordPrefect * scfitu * KoRCS * PS of the ....*

Hi N(t)
My finger is getting on marvellously - unlike my spelling thanku v much smiley - smiley so no need to feel guilty smiley - silly

But SSSSHHHH! Don't tell anyone else about ...*looks furtively around* ...BC*wince*...smiley - grovel

And don't panic - I had no intention of visiting Yellowstone NP...!
Have fun on holiday - my finger will be somewhere sunny in spirit smiley - biggrin

smiley - angel
smiley - devil

Bk for good!

Post 6



hushed (Glad to hear it smiley - smiley (about the smiley - injured finger not the spellig))

A lge bucket of sympathy here please and a smiley - doctor and smiley - nurse just in case of emergencies. And why not a smiley - jester to amuse you.

back to my holiday (and an excuse for more smilies - as if I need one)

Hope I see lots of these smiley - schooloffish and none of these smiley - shark or these smiley - spider, that reminds me I have worked in the Seychelles a number of times and the first time I went I asked if there were any dangerous spiders - no came the reply.

Then on another visit I lifted the top off an antenna and a red hairy spider ran up my chest, the guy working with me knocked it off and smashed it - then explained they can have a nasty bite. I questioned this and pointed out that I had been told there were no dangerous spiders, the reply came back

"we don't call them spiders we call them something else (I think direct translation is close to 'scary things' " smiley - silly

Fortuntely (for me) there are not very many of them not so good if you are a red hairy spider I guess.

I also got bitten by a black 'spider' (felt similar to a nettle sting) but apparently they only bite when they are pregnant and only come inside when it's raining, but guess what - they don't call them spiders either!

Don't let that put you off though (and the spiders on the phone lines are harmless) its a beautifull place and if you ever get the chance go!

Oh well enough rambling time to smiley - yawn and

look after yourself,

N smiley - winkeye

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