This is the Message Centre for Dorothy Outta Kansas

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 1


Hey Fenny! I am now starting conversation forums on the pages of all my friends here on h2g2 so we can there have nice chats about anything that we want at all! And this is the one for your page! So, let's discuss! Anything that you've been interested in lately but wasn't able to find anyone else to talk to about?

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 2


So Fenny - haven't you noticed this forum yet?

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 3

Fenny Reh Craeser <Zero Intolerance: A593796>

Sorry - I have, but I've been so busy mailing you off-site that I haven't had a chance to decorate on-site, yet!

Honestly, check your mailbox for the latest two or three mails from me, and you'll see why I wasn't using it - I was experiencing most of your name, first hand!

Hopefully I've got some of the bitterness out of my system, now, but I think I'll be using email and weaning myself off the site...

x x Fenny

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 4


I got two postings - one showing your complaint to Peta, and another where you say you wanted my opinions and to clear my name. Did you send any others? When are you going to reply to my last email about Val and Viv?

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 5


I mean emails, not postings! Did you write any other emails except those?

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 6


Okay I see you're online now! The emails are sorted out now - I will soon reply to your latest! You said you're online too much ... ration yourself a little! I'd hate it if you had to go cold turkey!

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 7

Dorothy Outta Kansas

It's' not quite cold turkey - I'm really tired, tonight, though, and having to concentrate to make sense. I don't think I can respond with anything close enough to conversation to deserve an answer.

Look forward to more conversation by email.

Cheer up
x x Fenny

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 8


Hi! How are things? Since you're back, I guess we can chat a bit again, can't we?

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 9

Fenny Reh Craeser <Zero Intolerance: A593796>

yes, but...

I'm on for a maximum of thirty minutes every few days, at the moment. Most of my time is taken up with other (Linux, or news-checking) things. News is horrible...

x x Fenny

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 10


Oh well ... we can talk a little bit here, but I'll also send you an email again soon!

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 11


Hello Fenny! I see you are online! Come say hello quick!

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 12

Dorothy Outta Kansas

"Hello, quick"!

There, that's done!

Sorry, I was on and then I wasn't! I was on then to check emails, and I've just popped over to the Oasis, to see how we're doing. I'm going to try to put some time into my other projects (selling the house, small things like that!) so I'll be on little rather than lot!

x x F (ZI)

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 13


Hey Fenny, for something that's nice for a change ... go to my Front Page link on my Uspace, and there click on the 'Kadoefie' link for some very cute cat pictures!

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 14

Dorothy Outta Kansas

I sent you an email (to hotmail). I tried to tell you how slow my link was while you were on, but my link was so slow there was no point in waiting for a reply box just to tell you I'd waited, so I just mailed you. And just as I was finishing off, there was an earthquake (see - so the mail isn't very excitingy, but it hints at excitement.

Hi Val, Hi Viv, and everyone else. I know you've had a hard few weeks, but take the time to stop and relax. I'm sure you already are, but it helps sometimes to know other people are looking out for you, so I'm here. Listen to music and give Willie a massage, and maybe get a massage in return.

Kadoefie is lovely! She sits so prim and proper, with her tail wrapped nicely just 'so', and she grew out of such a decadent kitten! She's obviously a great hunter, I can see that in her eyes! I hope she doesn't think you're cat food, Willie! What does Kadoefie mean?

The house-buyers didn't turn up, after all my cleaning. But at least my house looks good!

So, best wishes to all!

x x Fenny (ZI)

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 15

Peet and Willem (Visit U185434)

Hello Fenny! Good luck with the house! We will listen to some music ... I did in fact, the past few days I've been listening to Nik Kershaw, and Val was again in her element! She would like to do a cover of the song 'One Step Ahead' some day with her band - this time getting some of the guys to join in as well!

As for Kadoefie - that is onomatopoeic; she was always a very nervous and excited cat and she was always running around, very noisily for such a small cat. 'Kadoef' in Afrikaans means 'Thump', and when she runs around her feet go 'kadoef-kadoef-kadoef-kadoef' which in English would be rendered 'thump-thump-thump-thump'.

She is a great hunter, which gives us grief! She's always catching little birds, and we have to save them! We then give them to a German lady friend of hours who takes care of birds. Pictures of her and her birds will also sometime go onto my website.

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 16


Hello, Fenny! How are you doing? What are you doing? Except watching the Harry Potter movie ... which is showing over here, now, too, by the way!

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 17

Dorothy Outta Kansas

Hiya! I'm sorry - I only just picked this message up! I'm not doing much online at the moment, at least I'm not doing much on h2g2. I'm coding my own webpage and <!--complete with JavaScript//-->! I sit impressed at myself for a minute, and then find out it doesn't work and I have to start again. So there you go!

I've been surfing along in the wake of the SL storm, but I've not got many open conversations, so you and Tony are pretty much the only ones I stay interested in! I'm not sure what you think of the SL situation, and I'm well known in any case for sitting on the fence, so I won't go on about that matter...

How are you, anyway?

x x Fenny (UT)

Fenchurch and Willem's Talking Place

Post 18


Hi Fenny! I'm OK! I just saw the Harry Potter movie! Was quite good!

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