This is the Message Centre for Trinity, self-admitted geek and proud! ((1*7-7)*7+6*7=42)

Hi Lynne

Post 1

Researcher 175271

I hope you don't mind me creating this small thread on your section of the universe. smiley - smiley

I'm trying to get to know many people in this world of H2G2. I am studying h2g2 and all it's wonders. I figure, since everyone else is busy (and probably more qualified) to write entries about RL, I'd write entries about h2g2. After all, it's an entire universe in and of itself.

But enough about me. I'm here to meet you better.

Hi Lynne

Post 2

Trinity, self-admitted geek and proud! ((1*7-7)*7+6*7=42)

Cool smiley - smiley

I turn 17 on June 4, and I also start summer school that day. I'm taking Gov't and Econ. so I have more fun classes my senior year smiley - smiley I'm in National Honor Society, so I've got an A- gpa and I'm involved in community service here in Columbus. I'm also very involved with Theatre. I'm usually stage crew for whatever show we're working on, and I think I'll probably be initiated as a Thespian in Troupe 57 next year. Hmm...what else....
I was out in Anaheim, CA for my national BPA competion from the 9-13. On the 5th, I was at prom smiley - biggrin
Last year, and the year before that, I went to London for Spring Break! My mom and I are planning to go to England and southern Germany the summer before I go to college.

I don't know what else to say right now...any specific questions?

Hi Lynne

Post 3

Researcher 175271

[finishes taking notes]

Questions? oh, yes.

I could find this out by looking at your space or something, How long have you been on h2g2? what is your favorite color? Would you like to take a test I made? I'll put a link to it. One moment please.

[steps out to fetch the link]

Hi Lynne

Post 4

Researcher 175271


Here it is,

Hi Lynne

Post 5

Trinity, self-admitted geek and proud! ((1*7-7)*7+6*7=42)

Well, I've only been on h2g2 since last week. I stumbled on to it while I was researching a German project on heraldry.I may decide to write a Guide entry on heraldry if I get the time this summer between summer school, homework, and volunteering smiley - smiley
Favorite color, hmm.....dark green I think....
Test results will be on your site

Hi Lynne

Post 6

Researcher 175271

Thank you very much. smiley - smiley I have read your test anwers and have put them through the computer. The computer is computing.

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